Hello friends, welcome to
ELECTRONICS ENCYCLOPEDIA. In this article we will study about the
4-bit Asynchronous Counter.
As we know that in Asynchronous Counter, all the flip flops are not clocked simultaneously, output of the previous flip-flop becomes the Clock of the next flip flop. And UP counter means that the counter will count from zero to a predetermined value, as this is the 4-bit counter therefore the counter will count upto decimal 15.
"Number of flip-flops used in the counter is equal to the number of bits to be counted."
So we will use 4 flip-flops.
As shown in the figure, there are 4 J-K negative edge triggered flip flop (A,B,C,D) which are not clocked simultaneously. Output of the A flip-flop i.e, QA drives the clock of the B flip flop and so on.
Note: We can also use T-flip flop instead of J-K flip flop.
WORKING - Consider that all the flip-flops are initially in logically 0 state (i.e, QA = QB =QC =QD =0). Since the flip flops are negative edge triggered, so transition from 1 to 0 in the clock pulse will cause the output of A flip-flop, QA to change from 0 to 1. Flip-flop B will change its state when its clock input i.e, QA changes from 1 to 0. Similarly flip-flop C will change its state when its clock input i.e, QB changes from 1 to 0. And flip-flop D will change its state when its clock input i.e, QC changes from 1 to 0. You can easily understand it by seeing the Waveform of the output of the counter as shown in figure below.
So at the 15th clock pulse, all the flip-flops were in the logically 1 state and at the 16th clock pulse all the flip-flops will again to logically 0 state.
Thanks for reading.
Keep sharing and loving.